Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dicemasters - Colossus Review

This post is probably not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't play or at least know about Dicemaster, so please..enjoy a cookie sometime day and think of Colossus in dice form. :)

Lets talk about Colossus cards and how effective they are. I'm not going into pairing with other cards cause that is whole other conversation in itself. But on its own, how viable is the card.

Overall, The Colossus cards are really expensive to field, 6 for the common and 7 for all others. One is going to find it hard to get him out in the field. But his stats are well worth it, with a high defense and offense at his highest level. He is well worth the cost, BUT only at his final level.

Which takes us to his first common card, "Unstoppable". With a base cost of 6, the cheapest of the 3. This card best utilizes the fact that you want Colossus at level 3 as soon as possible to take advantage of his high hit and defense. So even if he is fielded at level 1, his ability allows you to spin him up each turn. Getting Colossus to level 3 is the goal here. A good starting card, but again, the high cost I don't know if justifies the waiting to get to level 3 stats.

The next card, Uncommon "Russian Bear". With a higher field cost, better be a good ability. Being sent to the prep area instead of the used pile if he causes damage. I really don't think its worth it. The reason being is that he is really only super effective at his higest level. It is alot of work to get him there. At this point the "Unstoppable" card is a better cost and payoff. I would leave this one out.

Final card, a Rare, "Piotr Rasputin" This is the card you want. Just having him in the battlefield while other characters are active with him will cause 2 damage per character to the opponent. You literally don't have to do anything, attack, ability, nothing. Just sit there and the other guy takes damage.
Even with the high field cost, you want this guy in as fast as you can. So even if he is low level, the ability is fantastic. Clearly the winner of the 3.

If you are going to use Colossus, "Piotr Rasputin" is the way to go. But if you want a good alternative, "Unstoppable" is a good choice as well, just to have some muscle on your team.

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